Wednesday 4 April 2012

Not Dead Yet

So I look back at my blog the last 100 and realize that it is almost one year later and I have made NO attempt to discuss this MUCH NEEDED weight loss. Well here is what has been happening. The official engagement was in January! Whooot Whooot! In February I am hospitalized with severe and I mean SEVERE back pains. I go to see a doctor and step on a scale and saw a number even higher than the one last year August. This actually made an impact. Since that time I have gone back to weight watchers!! Yah WW!!! I have since lost 20 pounds. That is 20 pounds in about 2 months. I have basically been altering my diet by eating by points. Which is much harder than one would initially expect. Reason being is my food is heavily laden by hidden points. From this day on however, I will try to post daily about my struggle to get rid of another 60 pounds before the wedding day. :):):). So now that the big 20 has been hit. It is now time to start working out...well as soon as I can breathe from this asthma that will be done! Yah last 100!!!

Wednesday 31 August 2011

Im gonna die

I have fought this battle my entire life. I have used ignorant comfort for the most part. However, I can no longer say I am ignorant to what my lifestyle is doing to me. If I do not change these habits I am going to die sooner than later.

I lay in bed with severe chest pains less than three weeks ago. I popped a beta blocker because I was also having a fast heart beat and I wanted to slow that down. The chest pain subsided but did not go away. This was my first chest pain.

The following day I did a complete work up at work. I noticed my blood sugar and the three month blood sugar monitor noted my sugars over the last three months have been higher than the three months previously. BIG fear because I have a family history of diabetes.

I continued to have chest pains and tightness and was somewhat frightened. I made an appointment to see a cardiologist I see about twice a year. I got to the office and stepped on the scale and saw a number I have NEVER seen in my life. I was officially floored an finally embarressed over my obesity. WOW. It then all clicked in my head, the fatigue, the increased blood sugar levels, the chest discomfort was all the result of me putting on over 30 pounds in less than four months.

I needed to do something and do something fast. However, my prior health issues would not allow me to take any weight loss suppliments or anything that can affect my heart rate. What do I do? As im contemplating this my doctor walks in and we start the consultation. In the end I walk out deflated, with an additional pill to take, and increased dosings of a medication i was already on. I felt like a 87 year old sickly woman rather than a young woman of 32.

It was then and there I said I am losing this weight! No fads, No diets!!! I just gotta do it the right way. Choose foods carefully, exercise and stop with the junk foods.

So as of today August 31st, 2011 I will take my readers through an amazing race to lose this weight. I give myself years but by next year January I plan on looking, feeling and actually being healthier. Oh and about 50 pounds lighter:)